Sunday, January 24, 2016

It's almost snow, isn't it?

Fog. That's something the San Joaquin Valley is famous for. As a kid, I always wanted to live where it snowed. Little did I know that besides making snowmen and having snowball fights, there was the down-side to snow: shoveling, driving in it, the ice sheets, frozen pipes, just to name a few. The next best thing was the ever encasing winter fog! It was kind of cool to walk to school in it, as by the time I would get there, my hair would have icicles on it. I sorta liked that.

Driving in the fog was a whole different animal. Fast-forwarding here to  my teen age years there was one time that for some reason my dad didn't have the company truck and it was up to me to take him to work. He worked at Holt Brothers Caterpillar Tractor on the highway, about two or three miles from town. He was something else, my dad. He directed me to get into the fast lane on the freeway and at some point where all I could see was white  and I couldn't see the hood ornament on the car) he said to start signaling and slowing down.

He then directed me to turn onto the turnout that divided the highway at that point. He watched the traffic from the opposite direction and then said 'go, now' and I started heading back towards town but I knew that the store was just ahead and he knew EXACTLY where it was so I'm in the slow lane signaling for a right turn. I got him safely there and it's obvious I made it home safe, but was it ever a white knuckle drive.


  1. Fog must be scary to drive in. It's only happened to me a couple of times and I didn't like how I couldn't see but maybe one foot in front of me. We don't have too many fog issues here in Vermont.

    1. It's very scary. The fog there is tule fog, that's what it's called and the hood ornaments were buried in it. I know that when my mom died the town had grown some and I made a wrong turn from the funeral home because of the fog and that made no sense to me then, as I knew the town like the back of my hand but the new subdivision that went in caused me to get lost, in the fog!

  2. That's one thing I do not miss about the valley -- the fog! Yikes! It's fun reliving those memories through your words!
